Testing out HTML knowledge I have gained

Testing out vital HTML skills that I have learnt


1. Basic Properties

2. Style attribute (some CSS)

3. Text Formatting



6. Links

7. Other

Basic Properties

I can type a paragraph

I can do a simple link I can insert a picture

I can do a line






I can do horizontal rules

That above is an example

I know how to use the pre element

It is used to preserve pre-formatted text

Keeps the spaces and line breaks.

Style attribute (some CSS)

I can change the size of headings

I can change the size of headings(These two sentences both use the tag h1)

I can change the background colour of texts and also backgrounds

I know that HTML supports 140 standard color names and that some of them are:SlateBlue (the one I am using right now),Orange, DodgerBlue, MediumSeaGreen, Gray, Violet and LightGray

I can use the border property to add a text border, change the colour and change the size of it

I can change fonts by using the style attribute with the font-family property

I can change fonts by using the style attribute with the font-family property

I can use the text-align property to align text

I can use the text-align property to align text (another example)

I know how to use rgb to change the colour of things

I know how to use hsl to change the colour of things

I know how to use hex to change the colour of things, this is the same as the standard tomato colour

I know how to use rgba ,which is the same as rgb but with an alpha channel, to change the colour and opacity of things

I know how to use hsla ,which is the same as hsl but with an alpha channel, to change the colour and opacity of things

Text Formatting

I can make text bold with the b tag

I can format text, this has the strong tag

This is made with the i tag which makes text italic

This is made with the ins tag which underlines inserted text

This is made with the em tag which emphasizes text, a screen reader will emphasize this

I can use the small element to make text small

I can use the mark element to highlight parts of a text

I can use the del element to strike a line through text

I can use the ins element to underline text

I can use the sub element to make text subscript

I can use the sup element to make textsuperscript


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. (I know how to use the element blockquote and attribute cite to insert quotes)

I can use the q tag to insert a short quote:We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough


Above is a comment, inspect the site and you will see the code I have written

This is a normal paragraph, unless you inspect it to see what I have done.


Click on me below

sangwoo pic

I can do a link and specify a target with the target attribute (this uses _blank which makes it open on another window/tab)

I can use mail:to in the href attribute to type a link to an email (this is my email, email me if you need me but I may not respond)

I can combine the title attribute with a link

I can change link colours with the style element and CSS.If it is an unvisited link, it should be black with a transparent background colour and underlined. If it is visited, it should be maroon with a transparent background and not underlined. When you hover over a link it should be red with a transparent background colour and underlined. Finally, if it is active, it should be slate blue with a transparent background colour and underlined.


Hover over this to see what I have learnt

I am learning HTML
I know how to use the abbr tag to define an abbreviation/acryonym and can use it with the title attribute so it will say what it means when you mouse over it.

Written by justarandomuser
Visit me at this website
Box 690 Disneyland
I know how to use the address tag to define contact information for the author of a document

The Scream by Edvard Munch. Painted in 1893
I can use the cite tag to define the title of a creative work

This is written right to left by the use of the tag bdo (bi-directional override) and the attribute dir (direction)

This is written right to left by the use of the tag bdo (bi-directional override) and the attribute dir (direction)